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What I've Learnt Along The Way.

My mom got stroke when i was 23, and i was so immersed into 'how i can get rich' when i was younger.. 

If only i can explain to my old me that time, that you should learn this, u should equipped urself with this book. Recall this surah. Make this as ur habit! 

If only my thoughts was how to be like an islamic scholar and live a better life. Not with those hanky panky silly trends.. but Allah loves me, He made me into who i am today..

Yes, i made mistakes too. My brothers did it too. others did it too. 

Just because i always on my mum side, doesn't mean that i'm much better than everyone. 

I lose my temper too.. sometimes.. and it hurts me, myself...the most afflicted is my mom..she was broken hearted. 

I forgive them, and i forgive myself..and i won't hurt my mom's feeling ever again. and others as well. If it looks like i'm the only one who hurts, then..let it be. Allah will heal my heart eventually and it happened a lot actually. Its just me who dont tell others, including my mom. 

The biggest lesson that i've learnt that...

     People said that u cant on ur own. but that's what i'm going through. They always left me behind, so i'm used to be on my own and dont bother when they're not with me. But i still remember when i was hopeless, my kakak always drove me around, to get me an interview etc. She is my savior and till now. So, what u did, will always remarks on those people whom very touched with ur grace..

     I should keep quite when i get angry. (which i always always alwayssssss do!!!) but... last night, my rage blast and i didn't think before i speak. Which, the most sad is my mom.. 

    If i'm wise enough to give advise to others... which i'm not. Dont too worn out in this journey, make sure ur always fully charged for every journey, because if u are, u'll make silly mistakes just like me. 

That's all. 


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