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What is life anyway.. what's the purpose of i live? 

People get married, then i wanna get married. people have that. welp i wanna have that. 

The fundamental is wrong! 

Some of us are destined to be different. 

I am different with my friends since i was a young girl. I was and still frugal when it comes to price, when it comes to food. when i eat, i'm gonna make sure its not just price, but i won't hesty and leave my food just like that. i gonna finish everything on my plate. They thought i was only starving, the fundamental is. when u appreciate God's blessings, do not waste. Do not teach ur kids to be like that. 

When someone came up to me, to eat. i'm gonna buy a new one for em. New, not with my leftovers. Why am i mentioning this? what's the point anyway? 

My intention is just, appreciate your life with gratefulness. By? your attitude. 

When it came to dedication, beat it. i was the most diligent when i was a student, and it takes for years for me to understand this life and still. still learn to understand. Life is so complex, spiritual with imbecile delicacies of the mankind.  

And now, i dont know what is my future of my career growth. seems i dont have any.. for now. But what i take from this is, i'd do anything to be better. I learn, i practice with no one knows. and if there's no one would be there for me.. then beat it. langit tak sentiasa mendung, langit tak sentiasa cerah. Jarang doa orang yang teraniaya ni tak makbul. Depan Allah nanti aku cakap lah si H ni kata pa. si ni cakap apa. aku bagi tau semua. Dunia okey lah. hidup la kau. 

One thing people get very misundertand abt me is that, i'm stern. and do not talk much. I speak whenever i need. and that became a problem everyone. Its a problem for em. stupid kan? beat it. so bodoh. 

Welp. i'm gonna start all over again. Nothing is impossible. I leave with dignity. not with stupidity. 


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