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I am 10 years older.

Back on 2009, i was 19.. I was so immersed in my world. I imagine that, and i write. But when i gradually older. My perception changes. I try to write im mor matured ways, eloquent style, simple phrases. So the young one can understand me too.

I don't write to impress the adult. I write necause i wanna reach the younger one and reach em and talk to them, and we would create 2 way conversation. But of course sometimes i'm gonna write more extensive way and commemorating the advicacy and literacy that we're facing in this country.

Look back into my old rare selfie collections, i do feel old. Yes, not comparing to u. To me of course!

I still have the sam habit, bring book and pen whenever i'm at. If anything sparks into my mind. I will write and ignore the others.

So far, as i'm getting older. Its tough that creating a masterpiece that would link to the youths but still relate to the proffesionals. Gosh, its really something.

So this is like a confession of me that..How am i gonna do that?

It should be delicate and people like. I write on massive subjects, topics.. But
 Hmm at one point, i stop.

I don't have guts.

I guess write, and reading at the same time really help me.

Its just a matter of time, because i learn on my own. Got no any sifus in this field

Past few days many happened to me, my car had fallen into deep cleft and the miravle of Allah, He whom helped me to think and how to jump back amd bammmm! Had a real terrible smash on it.

My mom and I weren't die.

Its so magical. The grace of Allah. But remembering back, it was damn scary.

This made me appreciate my life more than b4.. No, manade hero nak selamatkan kau tengah malam
Buta dekat gaung tu. Bullshit je semua love story tu

He whom saved me, and when i sick. He whom cures me.

Ya allah, lindungi kami dlm rahmat kasih syg mu
 Berjaya di dunia dan akhirat. Amin.

Kita kena kuat. Pesanan dpd diri kpd diri sendiri.  Skg kena bina kekuatan,  bina muscle otak dan badan, sbb susah skg, susah lg akan dtg. Prepare dgn persiapan yg mana tau akan berlaku fitnah terbesar di dunia akan dtg. Kalau xde suami nak ikatkam diri di tiang. Ikat diri sendiri! Kitankne doa siap2 dpd skg. This is what i mean, when people asked me, in a split of second, i think of this.

Older should be more matured and wiser. We should.  Insyaallah. Minta tlg dekat allah siap2 ya kita!


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